LAN messaging: communication with colleagues offline

LAN messenger makes workplace communication not only quick and efficient but also protected and possible when staff members are offline. In comparison with conventional email systems, this messaging environment has numerous benefits and useful features. The latter, for example, include PC-to-PC messaging and group chat rooms. A feature called broadcast messaging allows users to send event notifications to selected contacts or contact groups, while drag-and-drop transfer means that files and folders may be easily exchanged between employees in no time. Most importantly, today, when hacking is so rampant and seemingly omnipresent, the system successfully eliminates the crucial concern in workplace communication – data protection.Read the rest

Principles Of Lan Messenger Work And Communications

If your company is growing fast and is no longer able to reside in the same office room, you will probably need to consider some forms of internal communications other than private talks. That is when a need for a communication tool with a particular set of functions and abilities arises. Given the importance of data security and instantaneous communication, you might want to consider one of the best options to choose therefore, namely a lan messenger.

It all has begun with the LAN meaning the local area network. To put it simple, this is a number of interconnected PCs among which people can easily transfer information through lan messenger. What makes it such a particular tool is that the exchanged data will never get outside of the lan borders as this operates with no Internet as well as no server.Read the rest